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All About Maggie!

Maggie is a Shetland pony cross, in her late 20’s. She is a little deaf but she can hear a granola bar wrapper from a mile away. Maggie has recently been diagnosed with a mild case of heaves. Heaves is a chronic airway condition in horses, similar to COPD, resulting in an allergic reaction to inhaled particles. We make sure to keep the dust down in her pen and her stall. Since her diagnosis, her coughing has reduced tremendously. Maggie also has a condition called Sweet Itch, which is also an allergy. Sweet Itch is an allergic reaction to the saliva of gnat bites. She is on supplements to help keep her comfortable and relieve her from these allergies. Most afternoons you can find Maggie hanging out with her boyfriend Skippy, roaming free around the farm at her leisure. She patrols the farm and keeps all of her friends in line. When she isn’t loose, Maggie can be found in her stall where she likes to nap.

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